
Trina Solar breaks world record yet again by setting i-TOPCon cell efficiency at 25.5%


Trina Solar, the leading global PV and smart energy total solutions provider, has announced that its 210×210mm i-TOPCon cell has achieved maximum efficiency of 25.5%, setting a world record for the 23rd time.</p>

The result was certified by the National Institute of Metrology of China, the preeminent metrology scientific research center and national legal metrology technical institution.</p>

MA/TrinaTracker Brings Love and Support to Kalenjin Tribes in Kenya



MA/Trina Solar Wins 40 MW Solar Project in Cambodia’s National Solar Park Tender


Trina Solar Co., Ltd. ("Trina Solar"), the world's leading provider of total solar energy solutions, announced that it has successfully won a 40MWac solar project in Kampong Chnang province,Cambodia,in the tender for a National Solar Park project launched by Cambodia’s public utility the Electricité du Cambodge (“EDC”).</p>

<img alt="" src="/en-glb/http://static.xiangxiangapp.com/sites/default/files/en_news20220316.jpg" /></p>

MA/Trina Solar Closes the Transaction of Solar Project Portfolio in Greece


Trina Solar Co., Ltd. ("Trina Solar"), the global leading total solution provider for solar energy, announced the closing of the sales of a portfolio of solar photovoltaic operational assets in Greece to Hellenic Petroleum Renewable Energy Sources S.A. (“HELPE Renewables”).</p>

With a total volume of around 16 MW, these PV projects all located in the Viotia region, Greece, and have been commissioned by Trina Solar between 2013 and 2014. &nbsp;These projects have a strong track record of performance since interconnection.</p>

MA/Independent agency report: With superior value, large-format modules will account for about 80% of market share this year


Ultra-high power modules have quickly become a mainstream market choice, something that has been perceivable in the photovoltaic industry since last year. The New Technology Market Report published in February by PV InfoLink, a division of independent analysis agency InfoLink, provided detailed data on size, cell and module developments, along with projected future trends. The switch to large-format modules is irresistible from the perspective of industrial chain support, cost reduction, production capacity and market share, the report says.</p>

MA/TrinaTracker Engineering and Services Empower an Efficient Augusto Solar Plant


The 50MW Augusto solar plant in the municipality of Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain features 127,980 bifacial solar panels and 1,573 Trina trackers. Constructed by Tozzi Sud SPA and owned by ENEL GREEN POWER SL, the project produces around 100,45 GWh per year, which equals the annual energy consumption of towns like Merida and Almendralejo.</p>

MA/TrinaTracker Engineering and Services Empower an Efficient Augusto Solar Plant

The 50MW Augusto solar plant in the municipality of Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain features 127,980 bifacial solar panels and 1,573 Trina trackers. Constructed by Tozzi Sud SPA and owned by ENEL GREEN POWER SL, the project produces around 100,45 GWh per year, which equals the annual energy consumption of towns like Merida and Almendralejo.</p>


MA/TrinaTracker revolutionizes tracker resilience with its newly launched Vanguard 1P

February 28th, 2022 - TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (SHA:688599), launches Vanguard 1P single-row tracker in the webinar: "Revolutionizing Tracker Resiliency with Vanguard 1P"</p>

